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Poetry From Members In 2021

Jen73 | Published on the sat Jan 01, 2022 4:52 pm | 569 Views

 The Fear of A Loss

By @Lori2165

I wrote the following poem in memory of my Mother in 2002.
She passed away on December 31, 2001.
Her name was Sherrell Conklin-Horn.

Tears of a Child

I see into the eyes of this child as the tears roll down his cheeks,
He is in grave pain, and it is now wisdom he seeks.
His face is full of fear, and he looks so lost.
For the man in his life has been taken, with a cost.
This man was his father, his buddy, his friend.
He will go through life eternally on the mend.
Although he knows his father was brave,
his tears still flow as his father is put into his grave.
As he remembers back through the years,
he is unable to fight back all the tears.
I see the thoughts, the fear, the wonderment in this young boy's eyes.
And I look back to the grave where his father lies.
The flag represents all the battles that were won, lost, and had draws.
But this child I see does not see this at all.
All he sees is the loss of his Dad,
and all the good and bad times they had.
In time his thoughts will think less of the past,
but his heart will always be at half-mast.

By Lori McDivitt

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