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Winner’s Of The Pumpkin Carving Contest

Admin | Published on the mon Sep 21, 2020 1:11 am | 1339 Views

Let’s congratulate the Winner’s of the Pumpkin Carving Contest 

1st Place - Leescreationz *Lee*  33%

2nd place- we have a tie  Ravenbyrd  *Lisa* and Shaz 27%


3rd Place - Lori - 17%

Lets give some loves for the rest of Participants that played the contest 

Sandy - Thank you!

Thank you Ladies for all the fun Pumpkins, I think they are all great. 

Jen will PM 1st 2nd 3rd place about their choice of scrap kit. 

*1st Place* - 300 Coins and your choice of a Scrapkit
*2nd Place* - 200 Coins and your choice of a Scrapkit
*3rd Place* - 100 Coins and your choice of a Scrapkit
*Participants* - 500 Coins for participating in the contest

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